Job candidate: Red flags

In a previous article titled Have you found the right candidate?, we discussed different ways to tell if the person sitting in front of you on a job interview is the right job candidate.

In this article however, we will look at the other side of this coin. We will consider a few different ways to tell if the job candidate is completely wrong for you.

We at HRM Network like to think of ourselves as optimists, but certain red flags shouldn’t be ignored, or your business will suffer greatly.

So, let’s begin.

Job candidate mistakes

Negativity towards the former employer

If your job candidate expresses negativity towards their former employer, or worse yet, continues to do it multiple times, that is a huge red flag. You do not want an employee who is focused on negativity. And you definitely don’t want an employee who constantly blames others for everything.

Chances are, they will talk badly of you too, and you don’t want that.

Long explanations

If your job candidate can’t answer a simple question with a clear answer, there is a high probability that they are hiding something. If you ask them a question about the reason they left their former employer and instead of giving you a simple reason, they start beating around the bush and giving vague answers, this is a certain bad sign.

Being perfect

If a job candidate can’t name one area in which they would need some improvement, this is generally a bad sign. Nobody is perfect, and neither are they. If they constantly boast about their accomplishments and how great they are, this just means that they are trying to sell themeselves to you, instead of painting a real picture of who they are.

Follow those three simple tips and avoid making a potentially monumental mistake.



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